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Add Applications to the Favorites List in Explorer

Do you spend a lot of time using Windows Explorer? Would not it be handy if you could start your favorite program right from within the Explorer window? There’s an easy way to add applications to your Favorites List in Explorer.
Follow the link below
Add Applications to the Favorites List in Explorer
Follow this link

Replace “user_name” with your account user name,
like computer > Local Disk(C:) > Users > Muntazir > Links

Drag a program shortcut from the Start menu, desktop, or other location to the Links folder. You can also copy shortcuts and paste them into the Links folder.

Add Applications to the Favorites List in Explorer
Dragging Link

The program links are immediately available in the Favorites list in the left pane of the Explorer window. Simply click on a link in the list to start that program.
Add Applications to the Favorites List in Explorer
Applications added to the Favorites List in Explorer

The program links are immediately available in the Favorites list in the left pane of the Explorer window. Simply click on a link in the list to start that program.

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